
Translations without verification

These are translations of general and professional texts which need to be translated into a target language. All sorts of personal and business documents, catalogues, booklets, manuals and technical documentations are included into this category. We also offer translations of professional and scientific articles, studies, professional opinios and  legal regulations as well as leaflets, newsletters and similar publications of different topics.

Verified translations

These are translations verified by the seal of  a court interpreter appointed by the County court. The court interpreter verifies the translation thus confirming that it is a faithful and complete translation of the original document in a foreign or Coatian language.

The following documents can be verified:

Language - editing and correction of the text

Language-editing is a stylistic and linguistic text analysis which includes the removal of spelling and grammar mistakes as well as shaping sentence constructions for an easier readability and clearness of the text.

Correction of a text means the removal of unintentional mistakes like typography, interpunction and other smaller mistakes.

We offer language-editing and correction of texts on both Croatian and foreign languages (high-school graduation papers, bachelor's degrees, diplomas, MA and Ph.D. papers, web-pages and other sorts of texts).